J.Bohl, T.Ehlen, "Interference of Smart Defence Systems (Ammunition and
Missiles) caused by HPM- and UWB-Irradiation", EUROEM2000, Edinburgh, June
F.Sonnemann, T.Ehlen, J.Bohl, N.Whyman, "Methodology and Results of System
Simulation from Farfield to Circuit Level at HPM Radiation", EUROEM2000,
Edinburgh, June 2000.
F.Sonnemann, J.Bohl, T.Ehlen, "Comparison of Threshold and Destruction
Levels at a Generic Electronic Device irradiated with UWB and NNEMP
Pulses",EUROEM2000, Edinburgh, June 2000.
T.Ehlen, J.Bohl, F.Sonnemann, "Compact HPM and UWB Sources using Explosives
- The Potential of Future non lethal Warhead Systems", EUROEM2000, Edinburgh,
June 2000.
J.Bohl, T.Ehlen, S.Sonnemann, "Ultrabreitbandsysteme - von der Quelle bis
zur Einkopplung in elektronische Systeme", URSI - Kleinheubacher Tagung 2000,
September 2000.
T.Ehlen, J.Bohl, F.Sonnemann, G.Staines "Realization Possibilities of
compact and carryable radiation systems", Proceedings Intern. Conference on
Electromagnetics in advanced applications ICEAA01, Turin, Sept. 2001, Italy.
F.Sonnemann, G.Staines, T.Ehlen, "Susceptibility of computer networks and
communication systems –coupling mechanisms and effects ", Proceedings Intern.
Conference on Electromagnetics in advanced applications ICEAA01, Turin, Sept.
2001, Italy.
J.Bohl, T.Ehlen, G.Staines, F.Sonnemann, "Interference and Destruction
mechanisms of electronic irradiated with hpm and uwb sources", Proceedings
Intern. Conference on Electromagnetics in advanced applications ICEAA01,
Turin, Sept. 2001, Italy.
T.Ehlen, J.Bohl,, S.Sonnemann, G. Staines "Compact HPM and UWB Sources
using Explosives - The Potential of Future non lethal Warhead Systems", 1st
European Symposium on Non-Lethal Weapons, Konferenzband ICT, Sept. 2001,
Ettlingen, Germany